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2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Wait, so he can, like, pick up a sofa and it turns into a giant sword? Or would that be too big?
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: And, [Duredhel] thinks that carrying around a sword would be practically the same thing. So, give us your opinion.
And, also, did you have any other powers in mind?
Also, just a hint, it's probably best to not say so much the fact that Erik is a hit with the ladies. If the girls in the mansion all ignore him, it would be a little awkward. Maybe just say one time that he was a hit in Denmark, or something.
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: Well the comment about that was meant either way as a sort of current text, being exactly by those in Denmark but yeah and for the question about the soft then no, has to be able to be held like the hilt of a sword, pen, racquet, stick or the like.... Well the idea was to be able to create a mental one from whichever he could hold like a sword, slight more detail then an average psychic blade but yeah originally that would be it, just feels, smells, taste and looks completely like a genuine sword, as for powers had one but that one got picked down, can think of a new one but generally would have to change the character itself either mostly or at least some as I sort of fit them somewhat to the power intended, but yeah if you'd rather I change the power again then I'll go ahead and do so, will alter the part about his looks being popular so it better describes what I intended in the meantime ^^'
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Alright, that works. :)
Um, it's up to you whether you change the power, not me. :)
I could give you some ideas, if you'd like? :O
Another thing is that we've got an applicant whose character deals with swords already, though I'm not sure if they will be playing still.
So, would you like ideas, or would you rather keep the power the same?
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* I'd welcome any ideas, already changed this once already XP
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: What was the power before?
I'm gonna sleep on this XD
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: Immunity to poison and the ability to produce that poison, only those he had been in contact with though, but yeah was told there was two that had similar powers that became that one combined or something like that ^^' Hadn't noticed them, had looked a little at some but yeah only a few and unfortunately those two was missed so yeah didn't know until I was told about it, but yeah I am open to suggestions, have difficulty with proper creativity due to the current humid heat we're having ^^'
2010-08-17 [Veltzeh]: Heat is evil! It just got a little cooler here, which is awesome. :D
Wow, I had an actual power idea. He could be able to mold stuff by touching it and without breaking it, so he could mold a plank into a strange mass of wood! That way he could make very sharp stuff if he spent time on it, but could only make straight lines if he could press the molded object against something. And of course the properties of the object he molded wouldn't change, though he can try to compress or stretch the thing with his hands. So a plank stretched too thin would just break under too much pressure.
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Heat is evil.... Especially when you have thick blood like me ^^' Dad complaining about that I have open window and fan going due to "I'll never get used to the heat when cooling myself so much"..... Well otherwise I'd just lay half-dead on the bed which would be soaked from sweat so yeah... Prefer to be able to actually walk around and do something XD
2010-08-17 [Veltzeh]: How about the power idea? :P
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: Interesting, will think about it :P
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: I actually kinda stole this idea from FMA: CoS, but it's still pretty cool. The ability to fuse a tiny portion of your soul, or living being, with an object for a short period of time. Of course, there are restrictions with it, but I thought it was just a cool idea :3
You could even narrow it down to a specific weapon, such as the silver, or whatever metal, in bullets of a gun :O
2010-08-17 [Veltzeh]: What would that do? And what are those abbreviations? :o
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Sorry, Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa.
It would enable the use, whose soul/living being is transferred into the object, to control that object for that short period of time (most likely 30-45 seconds tops). And obviously, it requires incredible energy spending.
Yeah, just throwing ideas out there XD
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Now THIS is cool too :D
The ability to create real effects based on the sounds you make with your mouth and voice.
A lot of sound effects can be reproduced with only the mouth and voice, sometimes the body. This power allows you to cause real effects when you produce them. For example, imitating an explosion SFX will cause one; a motorcycle SFX allows you to travel as if you were on a real one; a gunshot or machine gun SFX allows you to fire TK bullets; a ripping SFX can tear fabric. Keep in mind that you don't materialize things, you just make it seems like they are there and can act on their surrounding.
The good:
This power is very flexible. You don't have to produce a perfect imitation of a SFX.
One SFX can be used for various effects. A metal impact can pound nails, deflect swords and more.
Since your power isn't "substantial", its effects can't be blocked by conventional means.
The bad:
You have to learn how to produce sound effects. Just saying "BOOM" or "SCRATCH" won't work.
Only sounds produced with your own body works. For example, recordings don't work.
2010-08-17 [Veltzeh]: Would that be like remote control or telekinesis?
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: More like remote control. Telekinesis would be stronger and more versatile. Like with the soul transfer thing, you could probably only control things that are smaller or as big as your own body.
2010-08-17 [Veltzeh]: And that can move in the first place. X)
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Yah. Actually, rather, it would have the same mass as one's own body.
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm... Sound effect sounds amusing ^^ And could be used creatively as a charmer XP Like sending fly kisses and then there would be the feeling of an actual kiss on the cheek XP
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Haha, I hadn't thought about that XD
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Well just an thought I came to think of being that he is sort of a charmer ;P Well then guess it'll be sound effects ^^'
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Awesome :3 Just remember, he has to practice getting his sound effects right. Which could also end up in a lot of accidents XD
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* I can only imagine and well used your description if that's okay :P
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: Figured it would add more understanding to his power that way ^^
2010-08-17 [Figgy]: Alrighty.
2010-08-17 [Veltzeh]: Oh stars, the accidents he could have with that power. XD Wrong-gone kissy sound results in a smack on the face. What if he makes a sound he doesn't know what it's for? And I assume the power is under conscious control? So he can imitate a power drill without drilling holes if he wants to? Otherwise practising would be really risky. >_>
2010-08-17 [KnightAngel]: Well at least some control, but over the more dangerous things then yeah... Unconscious block there, also he has to want to use it... If that made sense XP Like for in case of drill, he has to sort of imagine to himself a drill drilling holes and such while making the sound to risk being able to cause such event ^^'
2010-08-18 [Duredhel]: Wow D: new power is crap. Seriously, What not to do with powers dude...
2010-08-18 [Figgy]: My bad. >.>
Lemme come up with some other ideas XD
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: Wow, I really like this guy hunny, he's awesome. very suave. *winks*
2010-08-18 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Even after modifications? :P
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeaahhh, I love the powers, reminds me of that bird, you know the one that imitates things to impress the female birds to mate.
2010-08-18 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* meant current modification XP Changed power again and yeah I know which bird that is.... Just the name though XP The name slipped my mind
2010-08-18 [Figgy]: Lyre bird >.>
2010-08-18 [Duredhel]: .... BIRD BIRD BIRD, BIRD IS THE WORD!
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: thanks figgy. *grins and nodds* yeahh I love it. looks brilliant.
2010-08-18 [KnightAngel]: Glad you like it ^_^
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: no problem, he's kinda sexy.
2010-08-18 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Well I am glad you like it that much XP
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: no problem, Im thinkin there might be a bit of flirting going on between our chars in the future.
2010-08-18 [Figgy]: So like, how about for Erik to be able to 'see', he sends vibrations through the ground or something, kind of like echolocation, but done with vibrations emitted from his body rather than sound from his mouth. When the vibrations come into contact with resistance, they bounce back, and he knows where to walk, and he can 'see' the shape and outline of things around him. Eh?
2010-08-18 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* I wouldn't be surprised, he's a smooth talker and can be slightly flirty despite his visionary disability XP
2010-08-18 [KnightAngel]: Something like that, just like with elephants and their feet ^^
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: .... wait..
what. I thought he had the lyre bird ability thing.
2010-08-18 [Figgy]: It needed to be changed. The sound effects ability wasn't very practical.
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: mmhh, so hows being blind gonna help?
2010-08-18 [Figgy]: He can see without eyesight. As explained above.
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: I know. but other than being able to see with like echo location, can he do marcial arts? like daredevil?
2010-08-18 [Figgy]: That's not up to me to decide, but his powers and abilities don't have to be all fancy. What not to do with powers.
Let's just say, that if the team were to be caught in a compromising situation in pitch black, Erik could be the one to tell the others where they are, what their surroundings are, etc.
2010-08-18 [KnightAngel]: Well he is trained in martial arts :P but that's not a power like that, just normal martial arts XP So no leaping 200 meters and doing flips the whole flight then punching people through walls... Well maybe paper-walls like those seen in Japanese houses in old movies XP
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: ahhh ok, i was just wondering how it was better realy. *giggles* but I like it, sounds nice.
2010-08-18 [KnightAngel]: *nods* Yeap so do I think and well wrote about he could martial arts up there ;P
2010-08-18 [Mrs Vicious.]: cool beans.
2010-08-19 [Duredhel]: I'm so glad neither of my characters know martial arts :3
2010-08-19 [Veltzeh]: Why? :P
2010-08-19 [Duredhel]: Cuz its become a cliché of RPs XD. EVERYONE knows martial arts, its like people live in 12th century china or something... Not to mention it takes years to properly learn a martial art or a language. So yah, my characters don't know martial arts, can't play musical instruments and only speak one language :D
2010-08-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: you do have a point, mine cant either. because I dont know many languiges or how to do marcial arts myself so I dont wanna get pulled up on mistakes and loop wholes.
2010-08-19 [KnightAngel]: *grins and shrugs* Well about that then that was actually something I just took from myself, except for fencing XP and a rare few of the languages and well he has been intensely trained from child in both martial arts and languages as his parents thought it only be proper for a true noble ^^
2010-08-19 [KnightAngel]: Also never said he was a master, only that he had been trained in the way of those :P
2010-08-19 [Priest Kel]: I like for my characters to know martial arts, but thats only because I love them so much. ^_^ Michael was self taught however so he fights more on the basic principles as well as instinct
2010-08-19 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* Idea of Erik is to have had personal trainers since he was born blind it would be difficult for him to attend normal class as his power only started to really manifest in his later years ^^ besides even then would seem odd if he could counter blows coming at him due to him being blind XP
2010-08-19 [Figgy]: Light and Shana don't know martial arts. Shana is really more of a defensive fighter (obviously, with her power), Light has a scary chain and shocks everybody, and would probably just straight up beat someone to a pulp with good old fashioned street fighting. I think that's fair. >.>
2010-08-19 [Duredhel]: Dani can't fight... period XD. The nature of her power has a lot to do with her personality. And Shade has never needed martial to rip people apart (sort of like his little black widow I guess). Not like he had time to learn them anyways XD. People forget about time.. with character. How long does it take to learn this and that skill. 40 year old character knowing a bunch of stuff.. sure.. 20 year old... not so much. Its usually a tradeoff of skills, if you character is a bookworm, it might not have had time to hit the gym much. I think I wrote about this in the last part of What not to do with powers :3.
2010-08-19 [Priest Kel]: Street fighting is pretty much the same thing as being self-taught only you learned because you had to less than because you wanted to and you did Dur
2010-08-19 [KnightAngel]: *grins* I got the same concept with street fighting as you do with martial arts, wouldn't know really what to do so yeah avoid being able to do that so I don't make any blunders XD
2010-08-19 [Figgy]: Light had to learn. I doubt she could take down a guy, though. Definitely not Michael. Most likely not even Shade.
2010-08-19 [Priest Kel]: She couldn't take on Shade because he'd cut her off
2010-08-19 [Figgy]: Hahaha XD
2010-08-19 [Priest Kel]: And as for Michael it's just because he is a big scary bear guy
2010-08-19 [Duredhel]: Actually Shade is very vulnerable against energy types >__<.
And we already KNOW exactly how Light could kick his ass XD. She already did... by accident...
2010-08-19 [Figgy]: >.>
2010-08-19 [Priest Kel]: Was that in some of your *ahem* private RPing sessions? Becasue I don't remember reading it
2010-08-19 [KnightAngel]: Erik is pretty much a support character all in all, of course can be fairly good at offense but that's then with normal means, not through mutant powers :P And well he was raised as a normal person.... Well with a visionary disability but none the less normal human XP He only recently discovered his powers after all so yeah :P
2010-08-19 [Mrs Vicious.]: Lisa has just grown up beating on her brothers and working out with them, same for Jacob. Natural muscle.
2010-08-21 [KnightAngel]: Hmmm... Thought that would be better than a sword XD
2010-08-22 [Rice]: LMAO so he knows over five langauges and is learning more and also knows over four different martial arts. 8/ No offense but...this seems a little far fetched. And at only 23 XD...it takes like years to become fluent in a langauge and even longer to study a martial art.
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: Its possible. it says he knows four different marcial arts, not mastered, knows a little of this and a little of that type thing I presume.
2010-08-22 [Rice]: I would hope so since mastering four seperate martial arts at that age is just not possible. But, for the langauges I'm still a little hazy, I mean yes if the person were older but at 23...it seems a little like WOAH! Even child prodigies haven't mastered that many 8/ And the fact it doesn't link to his power also. I don't know maybe it will work! XD I'm just cynical.
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles and shrugs* Why is that so hard to believe? But of course if you have to be that limited then just look, never said he has mastered the languages fluently but knows them, that can easily be just above tourist level if you really have to have such a hard time believing a human can be smart enough to learn languages that easily I personally learned two different accents or what to call them of Norwegian ^^' In one year, well hardly even that, so what's the problem in that?
2010-08-22 [Rice]: There is a big difference between two accents and a large majority of langauges. It took me ages to learn Russian but half of that was down to learning the alphabet since they decided to not onclude some letters XP. But then I guess there is a difference between learning a langauge that has its own alphabet and symbols than German or French. I guess since I'm not what you'd call gifted with langauges I just find it very hard to imagine. But like I said before, just because I have my doubts doesn't mean I'm saying OMG CHANGE IT THATS IMPOSSIBLE BLARH! And I'm not looking for a debate...I hate them..they drive me nuts. XD
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: coolios.
2010-08-22 [Rice]: *pelvic thrusts*..I have no idea
2010-08-22 [Veltzeh]: I'd studied five languages when I was 14 (because they didn't offer more languages! X)) and if I'd been serious about learning them, I'd have been fairly fluent at four of them. Can't say about martial arts.
2010-08-22 [Rice]: Lucky. I just about learnt Russian but when I started to study Japanese it was like suddenly my Russian was being kicked out of my head by the Japanese trying to get comfy XD
2010-08-22 [Veltzeh]: Nowadays I just know two languages properly, heh. Though Swedish wouldn't be hard to get into.
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: Im fluent in two and know two more. planning on learning a couple of others.
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* Okay and well not really that much of a difference, not if you look at Norwegian Bokmål and New Norwegian as the two actually dialects are named ^^ But yeah no matter, I mainly learn the pronunciation first then the spelling and symbols and such when leaning a language and I've only studied those I've come in contact with somehow really, while Erik has been strictly taught them from child, so for my part then it's not really something that I find surprising but yeah I have also been rather gifted with languages and in contrast to sports in general then also with martial arts so yeah, but like with me then with him martial arts isn't about kicking butt, but defending himself and people he care about ^^
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: which is always the main point in Marcial arts.
2010-08-22 [Rice]: I can't do martial arts 8/ I'd love to but I can't...back problems in the family and any sort of long drawn out exercises can cause a slip disk in the back. I got one once and don't fancy doing it again.
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* It's supposed to be at least, but yeah unfortunately a lot of people see it more as a way to better beat up people.... But yeah guess it's that thinking that made me so desirable amongst the clubs I has been in ^^'
2010-08-22 [Mrs Vicious.]: I cant do them either, I have hip problems sometimes.
2010-08-22 [Veltzeh]: When I practised martial arts, I was always told they're more of a lifestyle than sports, which is why I never managed to train more than a year at the most and got stuck at yellow belt level. I was also told it wouldn't take long (less than a decade I think) to reach black belt – but the ACTUAL training only starts when one has the least of black belts!
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* I got my own problems that keeps me from doing most other sports so yeah XP
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: And well usually always got rather far in martial arts but yeah always happened something so we had to move or change club... Like one club was that "You aren't a true martial artist if you don't got scars or bruises" and well me and my family always had the idea that if you are a true martial artist you won't have that XD Either you avoid fighting all together or make sure that at least people as possible has scars or bruises at the end.... Oh well ^^
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: Or rather actually it was one of the trainers there that unfortunately had to train us all the time... There was some other things including his son which also went to the club but yeah most forgotten and rather have it stay that way XP
2010-08-22 [Duredhel]: I know spanish and english but I can also understand and communicate with people in italian, french and portuguese, however its a long ways from that to saying I KNOW italian, french and portuguese. And please, read "what not to do with powers", yeah, Veltz learned a lot of languages, but we both know what that cost in psicosocial development :/ anything you learn means you're NOT learning something else. With languages it has a lot to do with the family that language belongs to, for example, its a lot easier to learn Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and French than just Spanish and Japanese. In any case we could just assume he's spent all his time in martial arts and languages so he can't do math past 3rd grade level or color within the lines.
2010-08-22 [Veltzeh]: Actually, I learned languages in a classroom with other people and had to train my social skills while at it. That's why I rarely got a perfect grade on languages. :P The point is that learning languages also advanced my social skills and cultural knowledge. The world isn't always black or white, Dur.
2010-08-22 [KnightAngel]: I more learned languages while out and about, of course also in the classroom but yeah most of my tune up and such was with friends and classmates and the like, or during the time I was trying to learn dutch then it was when I was there and heard people speak, never got around to learning that one completely now that I think of it, maybe going to later XP Oh well
2010-08-30 [Roma]: Well, my opinions don't matter anymore since I'm no longer the GM, but I agree with [Rice]. Hound, who has an increased memory and can learn anything quickly doesn't even know that many languages and she's got 3 years on him. Its a little too much as far as I'm concerned, though [Figgy] is the only one who's opinion matters and she has no problem with it.
2010-08-30 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* Like I've said before then he's pretty much based on me about all that, just to try and make sure it wouldn't be too much but I guess basing it on an actual human character is too much ^^
2010-08-30 [Roma]: While all characters have elements of their creators in them, basing them too much on yourself is essentially setting you up for becoming defensive and snide when people or other characters don't like them or find flaws.
2010-08-30 [Duredhel]: Me! characters = mark of a newbie.
2010-08-30 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* I only wonder what's so difficult about it, I know plenty of 3-4 year olds who already know 3-4 different languages perfectly and is able to switch inbetween in an instant, so yeah sort of just wonder what's so unbelievable about it and like I said about the martial arts, never said he was a master of each
2010-08-30 [Mrs Vicious.]: wwwhhooooooaaa
2010-08-30 [KnightAngel]: *shrugs* Just saying, I'm calm ^^ Just explaining why I don't understand what the problem is :P Cause honestly seen lots of kids running around switching between 3 and 4 languages with ease over here and that's just kids with no particular training in languages XP
2010-08-30 [Mrs Vicious.]: I know hunny... I know. Anyways, you need to go make me some cocoa. *giggles and kisses your shoulder* please?
2010-08-30 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles and heads off to make the cocoa* Gladly dear ^^
2010-08-30 [Mrs Vicious.]: *dances* wooo...
2010-08-30 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles and walks back after a little while with some cocoa* Here you go love ^^
2010-08-30 [Mrs Vicious.]: thank you darlin' *smiles and kisses your cheek* ohhh...could you help me with the cookies on the other RP?
2010-08-30 [KnightAngel]: *blinks and purrs* But I thought you hated people helping you with that, since they get in the way and such but of course I'd gladly help ^^
2010-08-30 [KnightAngel]: *grins and nods* Okay, well I'm on my way as you might have seen :P
2010-08-30 [Mrs Vicious.]: Indeeds I have hunny thank you.
2010-08-30 [KnightAngel]: You're welcome, just glad to help XP
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